Individual Membership
The benefits in becoming a member include:
- Attendance at the ALGWA Qld Branch Annual Conference at member rates
- Attendance at any ALGWA Qld Branch events and professional development seminars at member rates
- Receipt of our Newsletters which includes regular updates from LGAQ and other allied organisations
- Opportunity to provide a newsworthy item in the Newsletter
- Receipt of our e-Newsbriefs providing a progress report from the Management Committee meetings and upcoming events and development opportunities
- 10% discount for LGAQ Training Programs
- Receipt of regular ALGWA Qld updates via email
- Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
- Eligibility to apply for the annual bursary
- Access to the Mentoring Program.
If you wish to become a member of the Australian Local Government Women's Association (Queensland Branch), please download a copy of the 2023-2024 Individual Membership Form and email back to us.
For more information, please contact us.